
Showing posts from December, 2024

Charter Commission proposes 7% budget cap, a fix that won't solve the problem

Charter Revision Commission. Budget limit debate on YouTube video starts at about 1:24:00 The Charter Revision Commission (CRC) approved a budget referendum, but only if officials proposed a budget that exceeded a 7% increase. If the budget fails in the referendum, it would automatically cap at 7%. By forcing a referendum on any budget exceeding 7%, the CRC proposal effectively imposes a budget cap. While this might sound like a way to control taxes, it overlooks a fundamental issue: property tax rates fluctuate due to factors outside the town’s control. The 2023 budget year proves this point: even with a 5.4% budget increase, homeowners saw their tax bills jump by 8-9%. The increase in taxes wasn't entirely due to spending—it happened because property taxes are affected by multiple conditions. A budget cap wouldn't have prevented these increases. Enfield's problem is revenue. Property taxes must make up the difference when other revenue sources decline—whether state aid, ...

Fix it or face foreclosure: Enfield’s blight ordinance targets minor issues

  Chipped paint on Town Hall is blight under the town's proposed blight ordinance Imagine being fined $100 a day because your lawn grew too tall while you were in the hospital. Under Enfield's proposed blight ordinance, this nightmare could become a reality for many residents. The Town Council will consider this revised ordinance at its Monday night meeting—but as written, it could harm hundreds of residents over minor cosmetic issues, from overgrown grass to temporary home repairs. While it's reasonable to address properties that pose genuine health and safety risks, this ordinance goes too far by treating cosmetic issues as equally severe. For example, if grass or weeds grow taller than 12 inches, the town can issue a citation requiring correction within 10 days. If it's not addressed in time, the property maintenance inspector can impose fines of $100 a day—with no cap—until the problem is resolved. In extreme cases, these escalating fines could even lead to foreclos...