Maybe Trump's support has faded around here?


Political signs are probably a poor indication of how a candidate is doing. The Trump supporters are definitely more active, with the flags and banners, but generally don't see many political signs overall. Maybe it's the lack of a town council election. Local candidates are usually sign-crazy.

I'm sure there's some Biden signs, but can't recall any.

The Trump supporters tend to big about signs. One fellow has had a Trump banner on his porch since the 2016 election. There are few with large Trump flags attached to pick-up trucks. But overall, despite a banner here and a there, and a some modest law signs (see above), there aren't manny.
Can the number of signs say anything meaningful about how people are feeling in town? Doubt it.

Interest in this election seem very high, perhaps the highest in some time. It may be that most feel everyone has made up their minds, so what's the point of putting up a lawn sign? Why irritate neighbors (no matter who you support) for no good reason? Just vote and get it over with ....


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