Did Enfield make a mistake by opening its schools?

Enfield High School
Enfield High School, fall, 2020

On Sept. 23, a covid case was reported at Enfield High School. The school is closing for the next two days. It will shift to remote learning.

Health authorities are contact tracing. Other schools in this state have reported covid cases. Some think this is just the start and schools will be all virtual soon enough. Perhaps not.

The CDC has argued that it’s important to reopen schools for the health and well being of children. It warns of everything from “severe learning loss,” which includes their social development. The schools are also a steady source of nutrition. Those are real problems.

Can Enfield control this? Will contact tracing be effective? Will the school covid cases lead to an increase in adult covid cases in town?

All the school districts are trying their best to get through this, and we will just have to see what happens next.


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