Charter Commission proposes 7% budget cap, a fix that won't solve the problem (With correction)

Charter Revision Commission meeting CORRECTION FROM ORIGINAL POST:  In my initial analysis, I incorrectly connected two distinct fiscal years when discussing budget increases and tax impacts. This fixes it. Here's what happened: The 4.5% tax increase in 2022 was based on the FY2023 budget ( July 2022 - June 2023 ). Town spending decreased by 1.19% in FY2023 , but taxes still went up because the 2021 revaluation shifted the tax burden to homeowners . When residents opened their tax bills in July 2022, they saw the 4.5% tax increase. Using a sample 1,200 SF single family house Southwood Acres, property taxes went from  $4,265 → $4,457 or a $192 increase. [For context, Social Security recipients received an 8.7% Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for their 2023 benefits, reflecting the high inflation of 2022.] 📌 Cause: This tax hike was driven by the 2021 revaluation , which shifted more of the tax burden from commercial to residential properties, not by increased spending ....

Yes, climate change will increase Connecticut's population

The state believes population in our cities will double in 25 years or so. This op-ed in the Courant (hopefully, it isn't paywalled) argues that Connecticut's population will see increases because of climate change.
The impact of rising temperatures and sea levels on Southern states, as well as heat and water shortages in the Southwest, will make northern tier areas attractive as places to live.
How will Enfield do? A wetter than normal climate is expected in our region. Temps will increase some in the valley, and the number of 90+ degrees annually will rise.


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