Charter Commission proposes 7% budget cap, a fix that won't solve the problem (With correction)

Charter Revision Commission meeting CORRECTION FROM ORIGINAL POST:  In my initial analysis, I incorrectly connected two distinct fiscal years when discussing budget increases and tax impacts. This fixes it. Here's what happened: The 4.5% tax increase in 2022 was based on the FY2023 budget ( July 2022 - June 2023 ). Town spending decreased by 1.19% in FY2023 , but taxes still went up because the 2021 revaluation shifted the tax burden to homeowners . When residents opened their tax bills in July 2022, they saw the 4.5% tax increase. Using a sample 1,200 SF single family house Southwood Acres, property taxes went from  $4,265 → $4,457 or a $192 increase. [For context, Social Security recipients received an 8.7% Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for their 2023 benefits, reflecting the high inflation of 2022.] 📌 Cause: This tax hike was driven by the 2021 revaluation , which shifted more of the tax burden from commercial to residential properties, not by increased spending ....

MGM is dramatically changing downtown Springfield for the better

MGM casino view from Main Street.  The developers opted for a style in character with surrounding properties. Note the 1940s-style hotel sign.  Red Rose Pizza to the left.

It's not obvious from I-91 that a radical transformation is underway in Springfield's downtown. The view from the highway won't give you a sense of the scale of change. For a better understanding, get off the highway and park near Main Street, and prepare to be wowed. 

Springfield has a lot of older commercial buildings that have survived redevelopment. It's fortunate in this respect. The city has retained an urban feel. It just needs the stores, shops and restaurants to make that happen. 

MGM could have walled off their casino from the city, much like a shopping mall. But they did the exact opposite.

They made this development an integrated part of Springfield's downtown. On the casino side of Main Street, MGM has preserved the facades of the older buildings. This section of Main Street appears unchanged and somewhat true to its period. 

MGM Casino Springfield architecture
Main Street from State. MGM preserved architectural character

MGM kept signage low-key and in character. Its newly installed "Hotel" sign is a real gem that looks like it dates from the 1930s-1950s, which was likely this street's heyday.

This entire area is poised for a major redevelopment. In addition to 3 million square feet in MGM's project development area, many of the store fronts on Main and State streets are now vacant. There's little doubt that these adjoining storefronts will see restaurants and retail.

MGM Casino Springfield, Mass. market entrance
Note the South End Market sign under MGM sign

On State Street, MGM has an entrance with the sign "South End Market." The orientation is to State Street. It was a deliberate design decision inject some retail life on this street.

The casino opens Aug. 24 but it will likely be several years before the full vision for this area takes shape. There are numerous older buildings that can be redeveloped into shops and housing.

Springfield's train station is about a half mile walk from the complex, but the city plans to launch a free bus service, "The Loop" that will connect the various attractions in the downtown area, including the train station.

Springfield and MGM's efforts may turn downtown Springfield into a genuine entertainment district. It may also spur a much broader revitalization of the city's downtown. 
Building at State and Main that seems primed for a new use. 


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